Albert Wesker Fans: It’s Time

Albert Wesker Fans: It’s Time

[image from reddevil00]

Submissions are closed!

See the final video HERE!


“Time for what,” you ask?  Time to put together the final, complete – fan conducted – interview of Wesker’s final voice actor!

I’m amazed/grateful I still get interview requests about Resident Evil and Albert Wesker.  A few too many, in all honesty.  I enjoy answering them, but they can be time consuming and often have the same questions in them.  This week I received four at one time!

That’s when it hit me; why not get everyone involved?  This would be the ultimate, complete and final interview… (Unless I ever return to the RE universe.)

This idea popped up after Monique Alves from asked me to record my responses to her questions instead of writing them. I decided to do a video interview instead so that I could also post it on YouTube and then refer everyone to it in the future.

Also, because in the only other video interview I did (for UnWiredTV) I’m slumping in my chair, tired and wondering why I’m holding their mic… And also because the video’s aspect ratio is distorted, giving me chipmunk cheeks! I ain’t goin’ out like that, man.

So here comes the fun part, but we all have to work fast as I only have this holiday weekend to do this. Below are the questions that Resident Evil Database wants answered, plus a few other common ones mixed in.


1. Look over the list and choose a question (If any are left.  If not, just skip to #2!).

2. Think up your own unique question not covered below.

3. Video record yourself (use your computer camera, etc) asking those questions. 

I’m [name or handle] from [town, country]. [Ask prewritten question, if any left] [clear throat ;-)] [ask your own, brief question].

4. Post the video on your YouTube channel or Mediashare. (You can delete it after I grab it).

5. Email the link to production@hit-the-fan[dot]com.

That’s it!



No need to do a big production, etc. Just sit in front of your computer camera and record it (though keep an energetic pace as there are a butt load of questions). Then post. We’ll email you back when we’ve downloaded it so you can then delete it.

Here’s the hard part: I need them done by 11:59 PM this Saturday, July 2nd!!!

Submissions are closed!

See the final video HERE!


Again, these have already been asked, so ask something unique!

1. How did you get into acting in the first place?

2. How did on camera acting transition into voice acting?

3. Did anyone inspire you? Do you have any idols?

4. Is there anyone else in your family who is in this career as well?

5. How and when did Capcom get in contact with you?

6. Have you ever played any Resident Evil game or seen anyone playing it? What do you know about the series?

7. Did you feel you were filling a big set of shoes with Albert Wesker?

8. What do you think about the character?

9. How did you feel you contributed to one of the greatest villains of all time? Do you think you have something in common with him?

10. Did you suggest any lines that were used in RE5, or were all of your words solely the creation of the writers?

11. How did you prepare yourself to perform Wesker’s voice? And what influenced the David Bowie-esque accent?

12. What information/prep were you allowed ahead of time to “get into character”?

13. How does recording for videogames differ from other acting gigs?

14. What are your thoughts surrounding the “Resident Evilracism” debate, and was it ever an issue during your time working on the game?

15. Did you enjoy some of the campy lines in RE5, or did you ever feel a bit silly saying “Uroborus” all the time?

16. How has the fanbase treated your performance of Wesker? How do you feel about fans of Albert Wesker also being fans of DC?

17. Is voicing a major role in a videogame franchise like TV and film work, or do you think videogames are small time?

18. Do you think videogames can spark violence, or are they merely a handy scapegoat?

19. Have you seen the movies with Milla Jovovich? What do you think of them?

20. What did you think of the film version of Wesker in Resident Evil Afterlife? Could he have been better portrayed?

21. Who would you like to see performing Albert Wesker on the big screen?

22. If you were invited to perform him in the movies, would you accept it?

23. Do you know if you’ll be working on any other Resident Evil games? Do you believe we’ve seen the last of Wesker?

24. Considering the demise of Wesker, have you or would you like to pursue any other roles in the Resident Evil universe?

25. Do you think you would be able play the role of a good guy in a Resident Evil game after performing Albert Wesker?

26. What projects do you have coming up?

27. Any message for us Wesker fans?

That’s it!