Hit-The-Fan Productions

Istarted Hit-The-Fan Productions in 1988 as a way of producing theatre that would get the attention of casting directors. It failed. So I changed it to producing indie film shorts that would deplete my savings account. It was a resounding success! (If you’re old and rich, let’s date.)
There’s over three hours of film shorts and shows here including the one that aged me 10 years from stress: The Crooked Eye. So, grab some popcorn and a Snuggie™ — It’s about to get weird in here!

HOLLYWOOD FACT: DC’s 1st short was inspired by a girl
he obsessed over (who later married an industry mogul.)

Indie Film: Hit-The-Fan Productions

D.C. Douglas, a versatile actor and voice artist, has also made a significant mark as a producer through his production company, Hit-The-Fan Productions. His work through this venture showcases his dedication to independent filmmaking and his ability to tackle a wide range of subjects, from political activism to introspective dramas.

One of the notable aspects of Douglas’s work with Hit-The-Fan Productions is his focus on politically charged themes. Films like “#ImpeachTrump – 7 Actions,” “March For Truth,” and “#HamiltonElectors: A Vote of Conscience” reflect his engagement with contemporary political issues and his desire to use his platform to encourage civic participation and awareness. These works are not just films; they are calls to action, urging viewers to engage with the democratic process and make their voices heard.

Douglas’s interest in social and political themes extends to global issues as well, as seen in “We Heart Japan” and “Gamers For Sandy Hook (2013).” These films highlight his commitment to using his art to support humanitarian causes and bring attention to global tragedies, showcasing his empathy and global consciousness.

Another significant theme in Douglas’s work is the exploration of the human condition and the complexities of personal identity. Films like “The Crooked Eye” and its accompanying making-of documentary delve into the inner workings of a character’s mind, offering a psychological exploration that is both intriguing and introspective. Similarly, “Freud and Darwin Sitting in a Tree” and its full film counterpart present a unique blend of historical figures and speculative fiction, creating a thought-provoking narrative that challenges viewers to consider the intersections of science, psychology, and human nature.

Douglas’s foray into independent filmmaking also includes ventures into the realm of comedy and satire, as evidenced by “The Lance Baxter Show” and “de Lelijke Amerikaan.” These works showcase his ability to tackle lighter subjects with humor and wit, providing a balance to the more serious themes in his portfolio.

One of the most ambitious projects under Hit-The-Fan Productions is the full-length film “Duck, Duck, GOOSE!” This project demonstrates Douglas’s commitment to storytelling and his ability to create a cohesive narrative that engages audiences from start to finish. The accompanying trailer and full film highlight his skills as a filmmaker who can manage the complexities of producing a feature-length project.

Douglas’s work with Hit-The-Fan Productions is not limited to contemporary issues and themes. He has also delved into historical and speculative narratives, as seen in “The Eighth Plane” and “Artistry of Hell.” These films showcase his versatility as a producer and his ability to create compelling stories that span different genres and time periods.

In conclusion, D.C. Douglas’s work with Hit-The-Fan Productions exemplifies his dedication to independent filmmaking and his desire to explore a wide range of themes. From political activism and global issues to psychological explorations and historical narratives, Douglas’s portfolio is a testament to his talent and his commitment to using his art to make a difference. Through his work, he continues to challenge audiences, provoke thought, and inspire action, solidifying his place as a significant figure in the world of independent film. — TSG Management