Gadfly: Breaking News & Tweaked Nipples

As a artist, I’ve always needed some creative outlet to amuse myself. After amusing myself into poverty with Hit-The-Fan Productions, live theatre and strip clubs, I needed something cheap, but still included the harsh rejection of strangers. Thank the Goddess for YouTube!
Forget cute baby/kitten videos, I was going to make random, offensive, music videos. But then a sarcastic voicemail to a Tea Party group led to Tweaked Nipple Productions… And then a reality TV star got elected which birthed the Breaking News! cartoon series… now I can’t stop… please, help me…
There’s no better PR firm than one’s own outrage and creativity.

Political Gadfly: D.C. Douglas

Actor D.C. Douglas is not just known for his versatile voice acting and on-screen performances, but also for his bold and unapologetic sense of humor through his production company, Tweaked Nipple Productions. With a penchant for political satire, Douglas has become a notable figure in the realm of comedic activism, particularly in his battles against the Tea Party movement in 2010 and later, the fervent supporters of Donald Trump and the “Make America Great Again” cult.

Douglas’s journey into political satire began with his response to the Tea Party movement. In 2010, he created a series of videos under the banner of Tweaked Nipple Productions that humorously critiqued the Tea Party’s ideology and tactics. These videos quickly gained attention for their sharp wit and incisive commentary, establishing Douglas as a gadfly figure in the political satire arena.

However, it was during the rise of Donald Trump that Douglas’s satirical work reached new heights. He launched the “BREAKING NEWS” cartoon series, which became a platform for lampooning the Trump administration and its supporters. This series featured a host of famous voice actors from the industry, adding a layer of professional polish to the already biting satire.

The “BREAKING NEWS” series is a masterclass in political satire, with each episode tackling a different aspect of the Trump presidency and its controversies. For instance, “BREAKING NEWS S2E7: Is Trump Jesus?” takes a humorous look at the almost messianic fervor of some Trump supporters. “BREAKING NEWS S2E6: Trump’s Wailing Wall” and “BREAKING NEWS S2E5: Convictions, Flippers, & a Pecker!” delve into the legal troubles and scandals that plagued the administration.

What sets Douglas’s work apart is not just the humor but also the underlying message. Through his satirical lens, he highlights the absurdities and dangers of blind political allegiance and the erosion of truth in the political discourse. “BREAKING NEWS S2E4: An Infinity War on Truth?” is a prime example, cleverly referencing the popular Marvel movie to comment on the battle for truth in the era of “alternative facts.”

Douglas’s satire is not limited to the political elite. He also takes aim at the broader cultural and social issues that have emerged in recent years. “The Feminist in the Wild,” “How To Properly Oppress Women,” and “The GOP Vagina Rules” are poignant critiques of the ongoing struggles for gender equality and reproductive rights.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Douglas’s satirical work is its accessibility. By using humor and animation, he makes complex political issues more digestible for a wider audience. This approach not only entertains but also educates, encouraging viewers to think critically about the world around them.

In addition to his political satire, Douglas has also produced content that offers a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the “BREAKING NEWS” series. “Behind The Scenes of BREAKING NEWS!” provides a glimpse into the creative process, showcasing the collaboration and effort that goes into each episode.

Through Tweaked Nipple Productions, D.C. Douglas has carved out a unique niche for himself as a political satirist. His work is a testament to the power of humor as a tool for social and political commentary. As the world continues to navigate the complexities of modern politics, voices like Douglas’s are essential for keeping the conversation lively, informed, and, most importantly, honest. — TSG Management